Corporate Workshops

Workshop: Reducing HR Stress and Burnout

Tools and Techniques for Reducing Burnout in HR Teams


An alarming 98% of HR professionals report feeling burned out, with 95% of HR leaders finding their roles overwhelming due to excessive workload and stress. HR departments have only recently come through the stress of the pandemic, and they yet again find themselves on the frontline, managing change, disruption and employee wellbeing as the world moves into a new era of AI and automation. In this workshop, you will learn practical tools and strategies to help you and your team thrive despite the demands of your roles.


Practical tools and techniques

Learn to Identify and Manage Stress

Statistics show that HR professionals are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress and burnout. A recent report revealed that 88% of HR professionals dread going to work, and 97% feel emotionally fatigued due to their job. Additionally, 73% of HR professionals report not having the necessary tools and resources to do their job well. This workshop will provide your team with practical tools and strategies to manage stress effectively and improve overall well-being.

Throughout the workshop, your team will connect in meaningful ways through interactive polls and breakout groups. There will also be opportunities to reset and decompress with guided relaxation meditations.

✼ Build Resilience
✼ Increase Focus
✼ Improve Sleep

✼ Identify Burnout
✼ More Team Cohesion
✼ Boost Productivity

Why does this matter?

Happier team members, reduced turnover and increased productivity.


What’s included.

  • A 60 or 90-minute in-person or online Zoom workshop with practical stress-reduction, mindset, breathing, mindfulness and productivity techniques that your team can implement immediately.

  • The language and content are accessible and effective in meeting the needs of today’s diverse workforce.



Comprehensive Tailoring and Support.

Price: Includes time for researching your business and market, and customising content to resonate with your team.

Availability: Suitable for any team size up to 50, with dial-in options for interstate and remote members.

Inclusions: Participant's workbook, access to instructional videos, organisational mental health check, and personal email support.


Exclusive Content and Resources.

Meditation Practices: Suggested takeaways include personal meditations, workshops on the Calm app, and free meditations for those without the app.

Guidance: Chibs will direct participants to your company's Employee Assistance Program (EAP), well-being, or mental health resources.


Accessibility and Personal Connection.

Flexible Access: Participants can join in person or through digital platforms.

Platforms: Available via Zoom/Microsoft Teams or in person (travel costs outside of Sydney not included).

Personal Touch: Free access to Chibs via email for any questions, ensuring a supportive and engaging learning experience.

Get access to the workshop from USD 2,950

You'll gain access to a comprehensive program designed to help your team achieve balance in all areas of their life.


workshop Review

"We featured Chibs Okereke from Calm as a speaker on stress and burnout at our company retreat. Chibs did a phenomenal job and it was a really special way to roll out Calm as a new benefit to our employees. Being a small company, our employees take on a lot and burnout is real. Chibs is witty and engaging and his workshop had a profound impact on our employees. Our employees left feeling rejuvenated and with a greater sense of connection to our organization as a whole."

Marcelle Miller
Chief People Officer, Kodiak Cakes


Who’s the facilitator?

Hey, I’m Chibs—your mindfulness coach.

My transformation from burned-out CEO to stress and burnout coach allows me to help ambitious professionals, business leaders, high-performing teams and organisations redefine success and build a balanced approach to personal and professional growth.

Corporate Testimonials

Kind words from my corporate clients.


"We featured Chibs Okereke from Calm as a speaker on stress and burnout at our company retreat. Chibs did a phenomenal job and it was a really special way to roll out Calm as a new benefit to our employees. Being a small company, our employees take on a lot and burnout is real. Chibs is witty and engaging and his workshop had a profound impact on our employees. Our employees left feeling rejuvenated and with a greater sense of connection to our organization as a whole."

Marcelle Miller, Chief People Officer, Kodiak Cakes


"I just wanted to reach out to you to thank you for last Thursday’s wellness session. It was a fabulous hour which I thoroughly enjoyed and took a lot of learnings away from and will hopefully implement as required. The feedback from the team has been terrific. I look forward to future sessions.”

Nicole Noye, Chief Executive Officer, Collective Wellness Group


"Whenever I think resilience - you come to mind Chibs.”

Natasha Munasinghe, Chief Executive Officer, FRANK Education


“Thank you so much for your time and tools – it was such a lovely thing to do for everyone; clearly, we have all been experiencing a fair amount of anxiety and uncomfortableness of late!

I will encourage everyone to adopt a 10-min mindfulness meditation or controlled breathing technique moving forward.

It was awesome to run the polls, break out into groups, and connect personally about our shared experience”

Julia Emrose, Studio Manager, Alexandra Kidd Design

"Thank you again for a wonderful wellness session for PayPal Australia. We have received such great feedback on this session, so just want to thank you for that.”

Jackie Lotzof, HR Business Partner Site Lead, PayPal Australia


"Feedback from the session was overwhelmingly positive! People really enjoyed it and were engaged throughout. Thank you again so much for your time.”

Becca Quirk, Workplace Experience Manager, The Big Red Group


'“We were so pleased with the session today, it was spot on - really tight and focused!! So composed, articulate, and relatable.”

Melissa David, Learning & Organisational Development Consultant, Clayton Utz


'“I didn't get a chance to say thank you so much for running the session for us the other day, we had some fantastic feedback from our members and I personally really enjoyed taking the time to stop and meditate with you. We can’t wait to work with you again.”

Daniel Barraza, Community Lead, WeWork


“I just wanted to thank you for the amazing event you held this morning for our teams. Camilla is right, your name should be "Mr Calm" :). Thank you again Chibs. Stay tuned for more Intuit events.”

Nada Wassef | HR Business Partner, People & Places

Still have questions?
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions.

  • The anonymous interactive polls are an opportunity for your organisation to get a mental health check for your team. The workshop creates a safe space for participants to discuss their challenges; therefore, you can have confidence that the answers are honest.The information you gather gives you a valuable snapshot and can help you target your future well-being interventions more effectively.

    You can also collect specific data or ask your team particular questions. If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please provide the questions at least 48 hours in advance.

  • Before the workshop, many participants report anxiety and stress, difficulty sleeping, negative thinking, trouble switching off and relaxing, bloating and other gut problems. There is often guilt about juggling parenting and working from home.

  • 60-minute workshop:

    • Tool #1 – Arrival meditation.

    • Break-out groups: Discuss your experience of the meditation and what you hope to get out of the session.

    • Introduction to Chibs (story of my burnout). Break-out groups: Bring to mind a stressful moment.

    • The stress response: The science of the nervous system.

    • Tool #2: Stress-reduction breathing tools.

    • Mindfulness and its Benefits.

    • Tool #3: 10-minute guided relaxation meditation.

    You can also opt for a 90-minute workshop (at no additional cost):

    • How to spot burnout.

    • Tool #4: Grounding technique.

    • Break-out groups: Discuss your session experience; which stress-reduction tool worked best for you?

    • Around the room: What is your biggest takeaway from today’s workshop?

  • In the days after the session, most participants reported having success in using the tools to achieve one or more of the following: less anxiety; longer and better quality of sleep; enhanced ability to deal with stressful situations; more positive thinking; less overthinking; enhanced focus; and improved interactions with children, partners and co-workers.

  • Participants should schedule at least 10 minutes of free space into their calendars after the workshop. For example, if the 90-minute workshop finishes at 10.30 am, you should plan the next appointment for 10.40 am or later. Knowing they have to go straight into another meeting will disrupt their focus and take away from their experience.

  • If the leadership team is willing to participate in the session and takes the lead in driving participation, do the 90-minute session. The 90-minute session provides more tools and allows more sharing and communication between the team members. If the leadership team is not present, I suggest the 60-minute session; team members will be more comfortable dedicating an hour out of their day.

  • You know your organisation best. In my experience, if the leadership team is present, your team will feel more comfortable taking time out of their day, and engagement will be higher. Historically, participation rates will be 50-75% if leaders encourage and attend the sessions. If the leader does not drive the session, rates will be approximately 15- 30%. Other factors determining engagement are session length, time of day, and the amount of promotion you do.

  • Any time of the day is excellent. At the start of the day, fewer distractions will arise.