What drives me to help strivers

My Purpose & Vision

Every journey to success starts with a 'Why'—a reason that drives you. It's this sense of purpose that keeps you focused and motivated. Without it, it's easy to lose direction and fall prey to distractions or burnout. The Mindfulness For Strivers program is designed to help you define your 'Why'. Here's mine:

My mission is to harness the wisdom of Eastern and Western philosophies, combined with AI's power of personalisation, to transform complex teachings into actionable strategies for high-achievers. Through the 'Mindfulness for Strivers' framework, I aim to understand and adapt to the human condition amidst technological change. Embracing life's challenges and uncertainties, I am deeply committed to combating stress, burnout, and 'Innovation Anxiety'. My goal is to not only uplift the change-makers but also ensure that the benefits cascade to the broader community, guiding all towards success, harmony, and a more resilient society.

Fusing Eastern and Western philosophies with AI's ability to customise and personalise, I aim to empower high-achievers and, through them, the broader community, combating stress, burnout, and anxiety from rapid technological advancements. Through the global popularisation of the 'Mindfulness for Strivers' framework, my vision is a future where AI-driven mental health and mindfulness strategies foster balance, well-being, and peace of mind amidst constant change.


Purpose Statement

I am dedicated to the continuous cultivation and embodiment of wisdom, embracing Eastern and Western philosophies and psychological theories that form the cornerstone of the 'Mindfulness for Strivers' framework. Guided by AI's capacity for personalisation and detached observation, I strive to individualise these philosophies for unique personal growth journeys.

Propelled by optimism and an appreciation for the game of life, I seek to understand and contemplate the human condition amidst rapid technological advancement. Using AI, I refine my insights and convert this wisdom into practical, personalised strategies to help individuals adapt to evolving conditions and manage 'Innovation Anxiety' (the stress experienced in the face of accelerating technological change, specifically the rise of AI, resulting in fears of job insecurity, burnout, and a sense of lost purpose).

This relentless pursuit of wisdom fuels my passion for creating engaging content and simplifying complex philosophies, theories, and AI-driven strategies into practical, actionable knowledge.

My 'selfishly selfless' exploration enriches my life and improves my mental health while propelling my mission to help high-achievers navigate their journey to success without burnout. 

While most of my focus is on high-achievers, strivers, and change-makers, my strategy is rooted in a broader vision. Recognising the influence and reach of these strivers, I believe that by empowering them, I can indirectly create a more significant positive impact on the broader community. Born into poverty in London, my heart deeply resonates with the struggles of everyday people. I intimately understand the challenges of growing up with limited resources.

While I'm committed to dedicating part of my time to directly assisting everyday individuals, I find it most efficient and impactful to invest most of my efforts in guiding strivers and high-performing teams and organisations. Once they've recovered from their stress and burnout and have rebuilt themselves, I invite these strivers to practise gratitude, acknowledge their privilege, and embrace a spirit of generous selflessness. This approach ensures that the ripple effect of their success benefits all, creating a cycle of upliftment and positive change.

The pillars of physical, psychological and emotional well-being are central to my existence. I value fatherhood, financial freedom, and productivity. I find joy and excitement amid relentless technological change. I express my creativity through constant innovation and developing new ideas and content. The fire in my belly, a relentless drive and passion, is the birthplace of my creativity and innovation, pushing me to constantly explore new ways to implement and share the wisdom I accrue.

I find inspiration in the courage and vulnerability required to stand tall in the face of adversity. Embracing "Amor Fati," I cherish all that life presents, particularly the challenges and uncertainties of the technological revolution, viewing them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement.

My commitment is to foster a balanced approach to life, sharing the wisdom I accrue to guide individuals and organisations towards holistic success. I envision leading the way in AI-driven, personalised mental health and well-being, helping people adapt to their unique needs and harness their innate potential while maintaining work-life harmony.


Vision Statement

My vision is to bring the 'Mindfulness for Strivers' (MFS) framework to the world, providing a comprehensive approach to managing stress, preventing burnout, and nurturing personal growth and well-being. While the primary audience is high-achievers, strivers, and change-makers, I will ensure its teachings and benefits cascade down to the broader community so the ripple effect of their transformation will be felt by everyday individuals, creating a more harmonious and resilient society.

Leveraging AI, MFS will be personalised and evolving, addressing individuals' unique needs and tracking their personal development journeys. Drawing from my roots and personal experiences, I aim to bridge the gap between the elite and the everyday individual, ensuring that the benefits of mindfulness and well-being are accessible to all, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Inspired by the timeless wisdom of Eastern and Western philosophies and, where appropriate harnessing the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), my ambition is to become a globally recognised thought leader in combating stress, burnout, and 'Innovation Anxiety' (the stress experienced in the face of accelerating technological change, specifically the rise of AI, resulting in fears of job insecurity, burnout, and a sense of lost purpose).

Through the MFS framework, I plan to redefine success as a harmonious fusion of achievement, well-being, and adaptive resilience in the face of rapid technological advancements. I intend to demonstrate that ambition and mindfulness can coexist, creating a balance that allows for personal growth and technological adaptability. I envision a world where success is not just about personal achievements but also about uplifting others, sharing resources, and creating a positive impact on the broader community.

MFS will empower individuals and organisations to navigate stress, prevent burnout, and adapt to the uncertainties of the technological revolution in ways that uniquely suit their profiles. With AI's ability to distil the essence of thousands of years of wisdom and create personalised toolkits, I envision MFS and its AI-based tools becoming global cornerstones in personal and professional development.

I aim to help high-achievers and performance-driven individuals across various fields—including but not limited to corporate executives, tech innovators, entrepreneurs, elite athletes, and combat sports professionals —harness their inner fire without succumbing to burnout or the pressures of relentless technological progress. While my primary focus is on these high-achievers, the underlying mission is to ensure that their success and well-being lead to a more balanced, compassionate, and thriving society where everyone, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to flourish.

My vision includes establishing a retreat that brings together practitioners, philosophers, tech visionaries, and intellectuals for global dialogues on stress, burnout, balanced ambition, and the mental health implications of rapid technological change.

As a featured contributor to global platforms like the Calm app, I aim to provide practical strategies to millions, fostering work-life harmony and equipping individuals with tailored tools to cope with Innovation Anxiety. Beyond providing strategies, I envision creating a movement where individuals, empowered with knowledge and tools, actively support and uplift those around them, creating a global community of mindful strivers.

My vision is to pioneer the development and application of AI-driven, personalised mental health strategies. Strategies that adapt to individual needs, biologies, and personalities to promote mental health, reduce the stress associated with technological change, and offer a uniquely tailored toolkit of philosophies, techniques and mindfulness strategies.

Living between Sydney and California, I see a future where I am financially free, always close to nature, and leading a life of mindful simplicity, serving as a model of agile ambition that marries personal growth with technological adaptability. I aim to contribute significantly to the literature on stress, burnout, and Innovation Anxiety, enriched by my personal experiences, academic studies, and insights.

Ultimately, my aspiration goes beyond being a thought leader—I wish to be acknowledged as a philosopher, loving and pursuing wisdom while inspiring others to do the same. My goal is to help shape a future where AI and mindfulness coexist, offering a path towards balanced ambition and peace of mind amidst rapid technological change and leading the way in AI-driven, personalised mental health and well-being.

Want to put the mfs into action?

Join the Strivers Academy.

Prevent burnout, reduce stress and get more done in less time.

Unlock your full potential with a personalised toolkit of practical stress-reduction techniques. These will help you reduce negativity, cynicism, and stress whilst enhancing performance and cognitive ability.