Do you start your day in the right way?


Hey Strivers,

Do you start your day in the right way?

Many high-achievers jump straight into their tasks without taking a moment to get centred. Or even worse (and this can be me when I’m not acting right!), some of us jump straight onto our phones to distract ourselves from the stress we might be subconsciously feeling about the day ahead.

This often leads to a productivity rollercoaster driven by anxiety.

I’m forever trying to find that sweet spot between ambition and inner calm. Here’s my new morning routine that’s helped me kickstart my day right:

  • Notice how you feel: Spend 3 minutes noticing how your body and mind feel. If you’re like me, you’ll probably notice the urge that you have to pick up your phone!

  • Set Intentions: Clearly define your top priority for the day (if you want to write down your number one priority, you have permission to pick up your phone, but please put it straight down afterwards. Who are we kidding? Don’t touch your phone; put a pen and paper beside you before bed 😅).

  • Gratitude Practice: Think about three things you’re grateful for, and for bonus points, write them down on the aforementioned piece of paper!

It’s all about finding balance—we’re not striving for perfection, instead, we’re making choices that genuinely enhance our lives.

Remember, the best morning routine starts the night before. Check out my video below about how to get a great night’s sleep, so you can have a better morning.  

Also, start your day with calm and knock off stress with this Morning Meditation. It will set the tone for a serene and productive day. Give it a try, and if this routine boosts your day, hit reply and let me know!

You’re gonna start seeing these emails pop up more often than before (I’ve even written a couple in advance 🤣).

Have a wonderful week everyone!


Chibs Okereke

Stress and Burnout Coach, Meditation Teacher, Accredited Mindfulness Facilitator.

Ever felt overwhelmed and about to snap?