In trouble? Just reframe!


Hey Strivers,

I was in the middle of a big presentation last week when my Google Slides suddenly stopped working.

The screen went blank, and so did my mind.

My first thought? “Why didn’t I download an offline copy? I’m not gonna know what to say now. Stupid venue with its stupid internet.”

Luckily, I’ve become a bit of an expert in dealing with tech issues.

But instead of technical expertise, I've developed mindset expertise.

I use reframing.

Here’s how it works:

  • Catch the Thought: Notice the negative thought as it arises. Mine was, “Why didn’t I download an offline copy? I’m not gonna know what to say now. Stupid venue with its stupid internet.”

  • Challenge the Thought: Ask yourself if this thought is productive or just adding to your stress. Is blaming the venue or myself going to help me in this moment?

  • Reframe the Thought: Replace the unhelpful or negative thought with a more constructive one. I told myself, “Tech issues happen, but I know this material inside out. Plus, everyone will be extremely impressed with how you deal with stress so elegantly.” 🤣

I could have spent a few minutes trying to get my slides back online, causing myself more stress and boring the audience, but instead, I took a breath, trusted the process... and went with the flow.

By reframing my thoughts, I shifted from panic to poise. The rest of the presentation wasn’t perfect, but I delivered my key points and kept the audience engaged.

Try this technique if you find yourself in a similar situation where things go wrong and your thinking gets negative:

- Catch the thought.

- Challenge the thought.

- Reframe the thought.

It can help you stay calm, focused, and in control.

How do you handle tech glitches or other unexpected setbacks? 

I’d love to hear your tips.

Need a Quick Mindset Shift?

 Check out my playlist on YouTube for short, powerful lessons on reframing your thoughts. Perfect for when you need a quick mindset shift on the go!

Have a wonderful week everyone!


Chibs Okereke

Stress and Burnout Coach, Meditation Teacher, Accredited Mindfulness Facilitator.

Mindfulness: As Simple as Explaining It to a Five-Year-Old


Don't Be Too Hard On Yourself... Or Too Soft!